December 25, 2013

Sheridan/Kovaliv Christmas!

Christmas at Mimi and Papa's house after nap time...

Hugs to Papa

Papa bought Austin some real nuts and bolts.. he loved them!
Cute! The McCarthy's came over to enjoy some ham and meatballs with us!

 More lollipops.. heaven!

Funny stuff.. .Goog asked for tongs..we thought she wanted thongs...she got her tongs, don't worry!  Nick and I are pretty hilarious :)  Just ask us!

Good night.. it was an amazing day!

He loves to yell "cheese"

So serious.. looks like a prom picture! :)


NHLady said...

You captured precious moments -- and funny ones, too. Would have loved to see Googie's face when she opened the thongs.
How lucky we all are to be able to share the love on the holidays.

suesheridan said...

I agree with Glenda!