October 11, 2013

The Great North Woods adventure begins!

Yes...we made it!!
Austin playing in the front yard after our long car ride to Franconia, NH

We ventured out to take a hike and Austin decided to tackle some of the bushes on the side of the road!

Here we are...we didn't know we took a wrong turn yet..

Shannon, Tyler, Nick and Aus... Aus is using his stick to get them moving!

Instead of a 10 min hike, we did a 1.5 mile hike that took us 1.5 hours!

But it was pretty!

Family pic!

This is right before she fell out of the tree.. yikers!

We made it!! Artist's Bluff lookout!

Enjoying the views

Shannon and Brie.. HEART!

We visited the Old Man on the mountain memorial.  It was neat, but sad.  Brie still keeps saying she wants to see the REAL Old Man :(

Love her!  She was so tired after the hike, but she did awesome!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Wow!! I especially love the one of you and Austin at the lookout!!!! Such pretty pictures!!