October 12, 2013

Santa's Village~ AMAZING TIME!

Austin was resting up to see Santa!
                                                             So excited for our 1st ride!

Go Shan!

Aus and Brie in the famous snowman's hand

Yup, then there is us!

The kids putting out fires!

Brie and I raced Tyler and Shannon.. we won!


This makes me laugh

Brie rode this one about 5 times

Hanging out on the Ferris Wheel 

The were both in heaven when they got to see Santa. 
Brielle wants a red robe and suit like his and Austin wants a pink lolly pop.  Can't wait for Christmas!

Tyler met this random guy :)

Nick is getting into it before Austin has his gun.. (they call it a tickler.. it's a gun)


The kids did a great job and had a wonderful time!

We headed into Gorham for dinner and met up with another teacher friend.  Great food and great company!

Another night at the lodge! Shanny Nanny reading books :)


NHLady said...

love the faces on Brielle and Austin. Great pictures, Mandy.

Tara said...

The "Choo Choo" picture of Austin could not be any cuter!!!! :)