August 26, 2013

Big Boy! 1st day of school!

Austin did a fantastic job today at school!  We are so proud of him~
Here he is getting ready for the big day! So happy!

Cheese! (can anyone spy someone else?)

This is after he kissed the lens!

Saw that it was raining out...

Then decided he didn't want to wear a jacket ;)

What a sweet boy!!

and fresh boy!

and silly boy!
We love you Austin!


Tara said...

Way to go, Austin!! We are so proud of you!! xoxo!!

suesheridan said...

Love him no matter what...he is so handsome and growing up. Can't wait to see them both :)

NHLady said...

Love all the pictures of this momentous day. So proud of Austin and Brielle. Xoxoxo