August 31, 2013

BIG Horse!!

We called ourselves "townies" today.  Quist and I took the kids to King Kone, then hit up Anheuser-Busch, and then went to Merrimack House of Pizza to get take out.  We enjoyed dinner with Kristen and Lucy at the lake :)


August 29, 2013

Austin's first..

piece of work from school...A+++  :)

August 28, 2013

1st day of Pre-K

She was SO EXCITED to go to school today!! 

I asked her what she wanted to be today.. this is what she told me :) (I took this idea from Tara :))

watching herself dance in the reflection!

August 27, 2013

Both heading to the Y together

Brielle's first day at the YMCA... and she was the only one to get a prize that day for being AWESOME :)  Austin & Brielle go together on Tuesdays and Thursdays xoxo

August 26, 2013

Big Boy! 1st day of school!

Austin did a fantastic job today at school!  We are so proud of him~
Here he is getting ready for the big day! So happy!

Cheese! (can anyone spy someone else?)

This is after he kissed the lens!

Saw that it was raining out...

Then decided he didn't want to wear a jacket ;)

What a sweet boy!!

and fresh boy!

and silly boy!
We love you Austin!

August 25, 2013

Go Merrimack!

Kevin and Ryan had almost all their cousins there cheering them on!!
Kevin running for a touch down!

The cheerleaders!

Uncle Nick helping Kev out

Early morning jeep rides...

August 24, 2013

Lull Farm


Austin's sunflower

While we were at the farm today a lady gave this beautiful sunflower to Austin~

King Kone, Jeep ride and deer

Singing and dancing!

This is the best I could do.. saw tons of turkey and 2 deer on our drive home