April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

The Easter bunny was here...

Someone got a new bathing suit!! She asked if she could wear it to swim lessons...
Making Easter dinner...he spends hours in the kitchen, he can't get enough!

Nana and Djed came by for breakfast and an egg hunt

They made some Ukrainian Easter bread known as paska. It was delicious!

On the hunt!

Beating Djed to all the eggs.. it was a fun game for Djed!

Filling up the basket!

Saying hello~he is on the move these days and loves being able to get around

Brie is not into pictures these days...good thing Austin is ;)

Mimi and Papa came by in the afternoon after we all took a nap... it was heaven!

Playing with Papa...she liked when he smelled her feet and then sneezed.. it's the little things!

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