November 20, 2011

Austin's Baptism

Austin being announced to the church.. right before he started to scream!Hanging out before the big show!

Brielle asked if Austin was going to like getting water poured over his head...always looking out for her baby brother!

He seemed to like it :)

Dale being a very proud Godfather!!

Auntie Anna is Austin's Godmother :) Take a look at Brielle...oh boy!

One side of the family...minus Djed and Pipi

Austin's Godparents! He is one lucky boy! (Mike Eaton is the other Godfather but he couldn't fly out for the baptism)

So happy!

Had to put this picture in.. Brielle is entertaining Austin...

The Googs :)

The other side of the family.. minus Mike, Meg and Matt

Thanks to everyone for coming to celebrate!!!

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