November 27, 2011

Funday Sunday!

Trying out a new bike Nick found this seat and gave it a try today.. Brie HAD to go for a bike ride!! :)
A strange design...but it was entertaining :)

Watching Frosty before bed :)


We had this taken about 2 weeks ago.. no tears this year.. they were both troopers!

1/2 a year old today!

Kristen spent some time with us this was great to see her! Would you look at this ponytail!!!!
Happy 6 month birthday! Cubby is practicing for the Christmas Card picture...testing out the bucket! :)

November 26, 2011

Welcome to the family....

Brielle has named the Elf... Honey Bear! As we decorated the tree this morning he was watching her every move... :)

November 25, 2011

Welcome home tree!

Quist was over.. we had a chuckle when Brielle just put the ball of lights on the tree and Nick was being OCD :)


Gobble Gobble #2

Thanks Nana and Auntie Anna for a tasty turkey dinner and desserts!

Sophie has no chance!

Christmas Tree Farm!

It took us a while to find the perfect tree...but we had fun searching :)

Wagon ride!

Here it is!!!

I got this nice picture.. Brielle pulling on Nick's undies.. hilarious!! I am so proud that her Sheridan side shines through on these special occasions :)THIS BIG!

Our little tree hugger!

A perfect day with the family!

These 2 make us laugh all day long!


November 24, 2011

Gobble Gobble

We met up with Mike and Drew at Kids Kove before we had our turkey :)
Running the bases...GO Brie Brie!

Drew and Brielle's table..Drew made this fancy place mat they are sharing.

Thanks Mimi for a delicious dinner!!!

Our new little turkey. He is borrowing Brie's head dress from her 1st Thanksgiving

Uncle Scott stopped by to say hi :)

November 22, 2011


We had a nice sleepover at Adele and Mia's house. Thanks Lisa and Neil for having us! Austin with all the ladies :)
Can you say Elvis is in the house....look at her zipper :)

November 20, 2011

Relaxing after a big day...

Loves his walker...

Peeking at Austin and me from the tubby!

Big Sister showing him how it works!

Look at those pearly whites