February 28, 2011

Day #1... a success!

Another fun looking bird! Magic Kingdom..waiting to see Daisy
She did well for her 1st character :)

Audra, Thatcher and Bryan...it was great to see them!
Brielle loved her Tigger and Pooh
Doing a little dance while we ate some lunch
She really liked Chip and Dale...
Enough to grab Chip's nose :) Got to love it!
Audra and I with the kids!
Being fresh!
LOVED seeing Mickey and Minnie.. I mean LOVED it!
Group shot!
Castle shot :)
Brielle loved steering the ship...this was our fun bed at the Caribbean Beach Resort
We came home to play in the water..

Ella has arrived.. Holly and Greg arrived as well :)
We had a great first day.. with lots of memories shared with wonderful friends!


Anonymous said...

Pics are just too cute! I am extremely happy she got pics with Winnie :D

The Semanie Family said...

Looks like you had an awesome time!! Brielle is adorable and you look fantastic!! Do you know if it is a boy or girl?? Well, miss you and talk to you soon!
Love Jill