February 28, 2011

Day #1... a success!

Another fun looking bird! Magic Kingdom..waiting to see Daisy
She did well for her 1st character :)

Audra, Thatcher and Bryan...it was great to see them!
Brielle loved her Tigger and Pooh
Doing a little dance while we ate some lunch
She really liked Chip and Dale...
Enough to grab Chip's nose :) Got to love it!
Audra and I with the kids!
Being fresh!
LOVED seeing Mickey and Minnie.. I mean LOVED it!
Group shot!
Castle shot :)
Brielle loved steering the ship...this was our fun bed at the Caribbean Beach Resort
We came home to play in the water..

Ella has arrived.. Holly and Greg arrived as well :)
We had a great first day.. with lots of memories shared with wonderful friends!

February 27, 2011

Florida here we come!

She did great on the trip down.. loved the plane! Our new nanny.. just kidding Katy!! It was fun to ride along with one of our favorite students!
She decided to take her nap when we were waiting for the bus in Orlando :)
Enjoying the warm weather at our hotelLoves all the birds she sees AND all the playgrounds she sees!

February 24, 2011

Rock on!

We were making sure she would wear headphones for the plane ride! It was a success :)

February 19, 2011

Here fishy fishy

Brielle's Saturday creation...she is so talented!

February 18, 2011

Ice Cream Parlor

Friday night fun... we went to Swan Chocolates to get some ice cream!
One of my students made this beautiful hat for Brielle... she loves it :) She was having some serious thoughts in this picture!
Getting ready for her strawberry ice cream with rainbow jimmies

February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We celebrated Valentine's Day with some great friends.
Thanks for making the trip up to the Mile Away!

Dale and Emily :)

Yummy in the tummy~

She decided to use her hands... we thought it was cute!
Nothing like some cottage cheese and spaghetti


Brielle is all done with her Valentine's Day gifts... she did a great job this morning!

She made some turtles, hearts and even Mickey Mouse!
Some of her finished products!
Happy Valentine's Day! xxoo

February 12, 2011


We went to Ryan's basketball game and he did a fantastic job.
I wanted a picture of his missing teeth to show his Uncle Nick :)

February 11, 2011

Another Friday Night!

Mommy and Brielle just playing around...loving life!

February 10, 2011

Bath time!

Loves to put her ears under the water and listen to the bubbles pop!

February 06, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday!

My fabulous desserts!
Megs and Matt looking over to see what Brielle is doing
Brielle loves Megs highchair... she wouldn't dare get into one at our house :)
Thanks Tara and Mike for having us over for all the fun....