June 14, 2010

Trip to Maine

York Beach
Saltwater taffy anyone?
Best $17.00 spent! She loved the zoo!
I think she wants a goat!
Alligator~Chomp, Chomp, Chomp! um, mom...dad...my roar didn't scare him away!
I would have to beg Nick to do these pictures with me.. now he asks to have them taken with Brielle :)
Great day at York Wild Animal Kingdom.. and it wasn't even planned!
Does this picture make my forehead look big?


Katy said...

Wow she is close up to that gator! She is sooo brave :)

Tara said...

lol!! your forehead looks fine to me!! :)

Tammy said...

Brie and Nick look like Mr. Henckey!

M&N said...

Mr. Hankey... the Christmas Poo.. with sprinkles! LOL