March 10, 2010

The Birthday Party!

All of Brielle's friends were ready for the night!
Teddy B and Jackalope (Nick had to buy her a jackalope and armadillo while we were in TX)
Mr. Owl
and Giddy Up!The star of the night... Brielle!
Nana and Djed came for the festivities!
Waiting for the Cupcake cake!

Happy girl
She is thinking our singing is somewhat off key... :)
hmmm...let's see what this is all about...Yummy! Proud Mommy and Daddy!Her favorite God Father! Mimi and Papa
Her cousins love her! A new stool for Brie to climb on... and ride like a horse! :)

Thank you everyone for helping make Brielle's 1st birthday so special!

Happy Birthday Brielle~We love you! xoxo

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