March 26, 2010

A visit from Quist!

Brielle loved playing with Auntie Amy~ I can do it!

March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Brielle bought a cake for her Dada... Brielle didn't want her pjs on just yet...she wanted cake!
Happy Birthday Nick! xoxo

March 21, 2010

Time with family!

Digging for some worms to feed Lucky! Brie was all about it!Lucky was very lucky! Kevin showed us how it was done.Drew hand a turn... Kevin chatting it up with Auntie Tara..
Auntie Melissa found a new best friend!
Brielle loves her cousins (Sam where are you?)
Brie's dad found the ears she is wearing...and had to put them on her :) She is practicing for the bunny ears we bought!

March 20, 2010

Another birthday celebration..

Pat, Amy, Connor and Charlie came by for dinner. Connor found the birthday hats so we had to celebrate again. Good thing we had cupcakes. It was a perfect night for a BBQ~ Yes we did go to King Kone today.. OPENING DAY!

Charlie and Brielle

Blowing out the candles

Visit with Kristen at the lake!

Savannah, Kristen's niece was there...they had a fun time together!Daddy and Brie looking out towards the lake

March 16, 2010

March 13, 2010

More birthday celebrations!

We celebrated 4 birthdays last night at Nana and Djed's house. Happy Birthday to Brielle, Anna, Nana and Nick! March is a busy month.Thank you Auntie Anna...Go Sox! Brielle taking Anna for a walk around the house.. and making her fresh face!
Anna made a beautiful and delicious cake!

Wow...the cars are coming at us!

Well the time has come..she is 25lbs and over a year old. That means the car seat can be turned around. Thank the lord!! Now there will be more leg room in the front seat :)
Brielle would say, "oh-oh" as the cars were coming our way... she got louder as they came closer.. it was cute! She couldn't take anymore excitement!

March 10, 2010

The Birthday Party!

All of Brielle's friends were ready for the night!
Teddy B and Jackalope (Nick had to buy her a jackalope and armadillo while we were in TX)
Mr. Owl
and Giddy Up!The star of the night... Brielle!
Nana and Djed came for the festivities!
Waiting for the Cupcake cake!

Happy girl
She is thinking our singing is somewhat off key... :)
hmmm...let's see what this is all about...Yummy! Proud Mommy and Daddy!Her favorite God Father! Mimi and Papa
Her cousins love her! A new stool for Brie to climb on... and ride like a horse! :)

Thank you everyone for helping make Brielle's 1st birthday so special!

Happy Birthday Brielle~We love you! xoxo