December 15, 2008

My cousin Janelle and Aunt came up to visit with Googie. Tara, Mom and I went over to say hi! Mason and Marlee are adorable~
Tara and I have not showered in a few days!!

Mason is the man! Marlee and Great Googie

The crew!

1 comment:

Marchand Family said...

Uhhh, apparently I hadn't showered in a few days either. LOL. It was great seeing you guys! Sorry Mase wasn't himself. A long day of travel the day before and out of his routine! We had a great week though. Love the snow, don't love the 5 degree temps.
So cool that you are in the Boston Bridal Mag. That's a great pic. of you guys. Merry Christmas Mama-to-be!
xo, j