February 16, 2008

A Fun Filled Saturday!

Nick and Pat playing some Halo before we left for the night. Notice all the cowboy hats laying around. We were getting prepared for the night! We started off celebrating Tammy's birthday with Chinese food and a delicious cake made by mom
We drove to Manchester to see Toby Keith. Nick bought me tickets for my birthday and Tammy bought tickets for Patrick for a Christmas present.
Opening act was Jack IngramOh ya... sporting the hat~
Here is the man of the hour-Toby Keith himselfThe girls enjoying the night
It was a great concert!We went to The Shaskeen after for a couple of brewhas
AND THEN.... we decided to find the house in Manchester that was on Extreme Makeover. Yes, we found it and everyone in the car yelled "Mandy move that car" :) It was hilarious!

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