February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year!

The 6 of us went out to dinner to The Flats for some Mexican goodness
Stephanie, Henry and Nick

Katy and I... not sure where Norbert is?

February 27, 2008

The Boardwalk & Downtown Disney

We were lucky to be able to see Audra and Bryan a few times on our trip. We had dinner at the Ale House on Tuesday night. On Wed before we left we did a walk around the Boardwalk and then had lunch at an Irish pub called Raglan Road in Downtown Disney.
Thanks for a great time guys!

February 26, 2008

Back to Magic Kingdom

Today we were able to see tons of characters.
A tasty rice crispy treat. Everything is Mickey here... :)
Goofy (yes we were stocking him)

Pluto!Mickey Mouse himself!Chip & DaleOur last parade

February 25, 2008

Hollywood Studios & Epcot

We went on a couple great rides at Hollywood Studios. Our favorite was Aerosmith's roller coaster and also the Tower of Terror. We also think that the Muppet's should still be on TV.

Bear in the Big Blue House

Here we are at Epcot

I love to watch the water squirt and fly

We ate some sushi in Japan and watched another great firework show, this time at Epcot.

February 24, 2008

Animal Kingdom

We shared our 2nd day with some animals. Here is the cutest anteater around.

We did a safari and saw these beauties

Here we are about to go into the 3D show called "A bugs life"

The Tree of Life

Our friends!

After we finished up at Animal Kingdom we headed back to Magic Kingdom for some more fun.

I remember this show when I was 5. The bears are still the same :) It made us chuckleThe fireworks over the castle were awesome!We love Goofy!We are still not sure why Peter Pan was 40 mins long. Here we are enjoying the ride.

February 23, 2008

Pop Century Hotel & The Magic Kingdom

We left in a snow storm which kept us in the Atlanta airport for the night because we were so delayed. We ended up getting to Florida on Saturday morning. Here we are at our hotel, Pop Century.

Audra & Bryan in line at Pirates of the Caribbean

Here is where all the magic happens!
After our first park we had a great dinner at Artist Point at the Wilderness Lodge. It was so delicious!

February 21, 2008

Mickey Pizza

Tonight we had Mickey pizza heads to get us psyched up for our trip to Disney tomorrow.

February 18, 2008

Snow/Rain Day #5

Not sure why we have the day off today. We are assuming it is due to icy roads. We really don't mind another long weekend :)

February 16, 2008

A Fun Filled Saturday!

Nick and Pat playing some Halo before we left for the night. Notice all the cowboy hats laying around. We were getting prepared for the night! We started off celebrating Tammy's birthday with Chinese food and a delicious cake made by mom
We drove to Manchester to see Toby Keith. Nick bought me tickets for my birthday and Tammy bought tickets for Patrick for a Christmas present.
Opening act was Jack IngramOh ya... sporting the hat~
Here is the man of the hour-Toby Keith himselfThe girls enjoying the night
It was a great concert!We went to The Shaskeen after for a couple of brewhas
AND THEN.... we decided to find the house in Manchester that was on Extreme Makeover. Yes, we found it and everyone in the car yelled "Mandy move that car" :) It was hilarious!

February 14, 2008

Trip to Loon Mtn. on Valentine's Day

Nick and I and some other teachers took 32 kids skiing today on a field trip. It was such a beautiful day and everyone had a great time!
Here we are on the scenic gondola ride

Katy and I at the top
A frozen high mountain lake
Mr. Kovaliv with some students :)
On the chairlift
Katy doing some shopping-sweet mullet!Yes we did some tubing-these things have brakes!!!
Our awesome kids who made the trip worth while
Happy Valentine's Day!