September 08, 2007

Road Trip~

Tara, Mike, Mom, Dad, Drew, Nick and I loaded into T&M's exploder
and headed to P-Town... with some stops along the way...

Nauset Beach....look at the sand dunes!

Katy...look at Nick's shades... HA!
Drew playing in the sand

Dad and I loving life!

Nauset Light House and one of the Three Sister Light houses

Next stop was Welfleet... the beaches go one for days...

The boys at the famous Beachcomber Bar and then the girls...Drew is kicking Nick in the head!

We had great lobster rolls at Pepe's on the beach.. and this is a weird shop that we HAD to take a picture of :) You have to love Ptown...

Some nice ships in Ptown's harbor.

A view of The Pilgrim Monument

We stopped to say hi to Amy in Truro-nice place to work :)

We met Amy's friend named ItchyWe almost hit these guys... anyone hungry for some turkey?

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