November 07, 2005

North Conway

Nick, Lisa, Nathan (friend from Australia) and I headed up north to Attitash Mountain Village in Bartlett, NH to see Neil play in his rugby game. We had a blast! The game was fun to watch, the jacuzzi felt nice, Mt. Washington was a sight, dinner and breakfast were yummy and time with friends was wonderful! We actually got to meet up with one of Nick's close friends from UNH... seeing Josh was a highlight :) Before we headed home we hit the outlets to get some Christmas shopping out of the way.


Meg Leavis said...

Hi Mandy, loved the photos of Neilly. We check out all the sites to see what you are all doing. Can you do us a favour. We need Drew's email address for some secretative Christmas shopping. Can you get it to me.
Hope you can, thanks in advance. Thanks also for the lovely wedding photos you sent us. Love Meg & Gary.

Meg Leavis said...

Hope you get the message.
Love Meg.