May 27, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Austin!

We started the day off with some singing, cake and more presents!

He loved wearing his shirt again!

Brielle took this beauty~

After school we did some glow bowling...

Sibling love xoxo
My sweet boy!

We love you, Aus~

May 26, 2014

Look quick..

it will never look like this again!

Chimney work!

Dale and Nick worked on the 2 chimneys and Aus had to go up and check it out

May 25, 2014

He couldn't wait...

HE LOVED IT.. motorcycle, peter rabbit, dirt bike, gummy worms, and sparkly candles-with a #3!

Austin's 3rd Birthday Party

Thanks to everyone for sharing the love!  We had a great day..especially Austin!

I think Quist is in the bounce house or cutting up watermelon :)

I'm 3!

Cousin love!

Sums up what went into Austin's belly, plus 20 more worms!

So many worms, they all didn't fit!

Cookie and Elmo :)

Tyler and The Dudeks gave Aus a bball hoop!

Meg gave him an orange helicopter!

Mimi gave him lots of pjs with superheroes!

May 21, 2014

Pure talent!

Crazy moms
My masterpiece

Tara hard at work

May 19, 2014

Roof time!!

The kids had a blast painting up there!!

LaBelle winery

We met up with Cole and Grades. Loved it there!!

Fro-yo time