April 26, 2014

1st practice


Brielle's first parade!  She was in heaven with her cousins!!
King Kone to celebrate 

April 24, 2014

Good bye Chevy!

I got the call while I was on a play date that Nick needed my signature because he sold the truck!  


Brielle and I met up with Kaitlyn, Liam and their mom at Kids Kove!


We had a nice visit with Googie :)

Looking at the squirrels

April 23, 2014

Play date!

I picked Brielle and Sarah up from school and they had a blast together...some bowling and then off to Nutin but Good Times!

April 22, 2014

April 21, 2014

Easter highlights

Brielle was sick all Sunday... but Nana made the kids some polska (delicious) and Mimi had baskets for the kids.  Easter was just extended a couple more days :)

April 19, 2014

Happy Easter Eve

The eggs will be hidden sometime tonight!

I found my little bunny from when I was a kid :)


The kids and I were looking at all the turtles and then out of no where a beautiful heron flew over the pond!

I tried to capture the beauty...

Eggs... more eggs!

Are you going to ask why she is in her bike helmet still?   SHE LOVES IT!  She actually wants to wear it to bed...

Easter Egg hunt

We met up with the McCarthy's for a crazy egg kinda day!

Brie met up with one of her classmates from school, Sara! There is a play date coming soon :)