March 28, 2014

Friday Funday.. not!

Austin had the stomach bug...
he was so sad looking, but sooooo cute :)

March 25, 2014


Tyler heart Nick

Happy Birthday to you...

We celebrated Nick's birthday with some singing and Chinese food!

March 24, 2014

Birthday #1 at Mimi & Papa's house

He loves singing Happy Birthday!

I bet you can hear them singing now...

March 23, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Meg & Matt


Katy.. take a look at these!
Great birthday gift!!!  :)

March 22, 2014

Sugar Shack

It was maple sugar weekend in NH.  We went to a shack where some of students work.  Here is Parker cooling off the boards,

Enjoying some maple ice cream

Boston-The Children's Museum

The kids had a blast this morning!

So many different activities and crafts to do. They both got a teddy bear and they had to bring them for a checkup at the doctors 

March 21, 2014

The last of the season...

We are so proud of Brielle~She did so well with hockey!

Aus had to take a pee break before we went to the "Shiny Place" for dinner.  xoxo

March 19, 2014