January 25, 2014

The Flats for my 36th birthday!!

The Merrimack crew!

Thanks for coming out!


Brother and sister... not really!

The other end of the table..
My sis!~

Who is this?

Brie and I came home from the movies and we didn't know where Nick went.  It has been 8 years since he had no facial hair!

Vivi's Birthday Party @ Chunky's

We got to see Nut Job and celebrate a birthday!!

Tyler's masterpiece

Tyler made the best birthday cake and brought it to school!

January 24, 2014


Brielle and Nana made some cookies for me... and some dog bone cookies for Aus :)

January 19, 2014

Go Pats!

Darius and Austin

We got the shaving kit out... lol

Disney On Ice!

Meg and Brielle had such a good time together!
Girls having fun!

January 18, 2014

Snow!! Snow Balls!! Snowmobiling!!

Brie and Kevin having a blast making a snowman!

Ryan and Austin being silly

The gang with Auntie Lissa

Brie loves rides with Uncle Bud on the snowmobile 
Nick and Aus cruising.. he didn't want to get stop..
Perfect night!

Go Ryan!!

It was such an intense game...
Ryan did awesome!

It was a blizzard when we got out!

Fun times

Every night we fill bags for the next day :)
Wrestling with Papa!!!
Like father, like son.  Some of Austin's shoes :)

January 12, 2014

Heart Hockey!

I love these 2 pictures!

Go Brielle!

Austin and I were having a blast in the stands!