November 30, 2013

Movie date with Brie to see Frozen

no more..

diapers.... (yes, he is wearing Brie's undies and getting chased by her)

and day 4 of no more binki! I just found these in his back pack and tossed them out :(
He is growing up so fast!!

November 29, 2013

QT Time with Quisty

Amy came by on Thursday night.. then she was my wing-man on Friday.. we went to the Flats that night and then to Molly's in New Boston to meet up with Tyler!

Where is your flannel TMud?

Christmas tree time!

We went to Miracle Acres-Christmas Tree farm and had a tractor ride, hot cocoa & apple cider and a nice fire.  And the perfect tree!


We love Aunt Quisty!

Austin is always helping his Dad!

Fly away...this is how we put the star on in our family :)


November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to Nana and Djed's for a fabulous feast!


Austin loves playing in here with a special key
Family picture!

Cousin love

Brielle didn't want to leave her cousins....they were all talking with her and telling her it was going to be ok :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

We headed over to Mimi and Papa's for the morning.  
Austin and Brie made these pilgrim hats..Tasty!





November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Eve

We had some visitors from Colorado tonight. Austin and Brielle were making Doug and Missy some tasty treats from their kitchen.


Austin was a trooper at the dentist and Brie had to get blood work done. No tears for Brie...can't say that about Aus..he finished strong :)

Shiny place

Nick and I and the kids met up with Tara and her kids and got a tasty breakfast. Love not working and getting to spend time with family.  

November 25, 2013


The family worked hard making these cute little guys.. it was like a factory!  (we are not done yet)

Brielle's preschool sent home a Thanksgiving cookbook. Each student wrote about what they like to eat most and then tried their best to remember how to make it.  Brielle chose Pumpkin Pie :)

November 24, 2013

New home

Austin and I added 2 more fish today and put together a new home that they love!

Sunday funday!!!

Go Brie!!  We are so proud of her 
Austin is turning into a little fishy. 
Nick and I enjoyed a few runs down the slide!!!

Gobble gobble

November 23, 2013

Basketball season has started!

Matt with his new hair cute... he was waiting for Drew and Kevin to come out on the court

My first attempt at a french braid...needs some work :)

Uncle Mike is the coach... Go Drew and Kevin!!