October 31, 2013

Random pictures from Halloween

Megs and Aus walking in the rain
Austin with his 1st piece of candy from Nana and Djed

In heaven!

Nana and Brielle all dressed up!

The Kovalivs!

So cute!


Loves the big umbrella!

Double fisting Djeds water kafir.. he loves that stuff!

The crew at Mrs. Plants house :)

I love Meg in this picture.. SOOO Snow White!
We ended the night at Mimi and Papa's house for some pizza and fun!

October 27, 2013

Random fun on Sunday night!

Brie was learning some Chemistry...she did great!
Austin now knows how to ride his push bike! He is so proud as he whips around the house~

Brie made some nice crafts..booo

Great times~

We had so much fun with Ella and Hazel!  Great sleepover, tasty breakfast and jumping in leaves!

Can't wait to see you guys again! xoxo

October 26, 2013


The family had a great time catching up with some friends at a 40th anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham!
Look at those lips!

I brought the bounce house.. huge success!

Holly, Corey and I
The kids were amazing!  They were taking a break and watching a show
Dinner time~!

Last game of the season

Austin was having a blast cheering on his sister!

Go Brie Brie!

Loved her trophy!

Austin was doing a great job taking pictures!

October 25, 2013

Halloween Walk at Brielle's school

Being silly!

Brie and her 2 teachers!

Cinderella :)

Mr. Turtle!

Snow White and Cinderella



Love this pic!