July 31, 2013

Pool to Shorty's

We love Shannon's pool!! AND LOVE her dogs! (a little too much)

Here is Shannon's dad Al ...he came by and bought us a drink..
 We met up with Jason there..

July 30, 2013

Visit with Googs

I told Brie to just get our heads.. we all had a laugh with this one :)

Then she found the zoom!

Yes, they are still wearing the shirts they made..good thing they have 5 each!

A little blurry.. but cute!

Friendly Farm

Great weather and fun animals..Austin only punched 2 goats and kicked 1.. oh and squeezed a chicken so hard it went pee in my hand...all the animals were alright :)

July 29, 2013

Pool time~

What a nice pool Drew, Meg and Matt have :)

Baby Bird.. no diaper means time to explore :)

He is becoming a little fish!

Lobsters and cousins!

Kevin showing Brie how to put a lobster to sleep

I think she liked it!

Ry was the mad scientist..

Giving Charlie a dog treat.. he loves puppies!

Brie got in the front of them...she is so funny!

Brie the photographer

July 28, 2013

Fun times..

at the lake with cousins!

July 27, 2013


Kevin slept over Sat night...Brie and Austin were so excited!
 We had to pick some blueberries for the pancakes!

The beast~

Love this Chevy...

July 24, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

We were so excited to see our blueberry bush.. best year yet!  They are so tasty!!

Brielle can do the monkey bars all by herself!!

They loved getting back on their playground :)

We went for dinner at the Kovaliv's and Auntie Anna is here visiting!!  Brie took this one~

 Brie is so content in her bed.. she sure did miss it!