April 30, 2013


We were lucky to have Brielle and Austin see the Mama bear and cubs this time.  They were in the neighbors yard and I saw them as we were driving by.

April 28, 2013

Jeep time..

Summer is almost here!  We don't want to go back to work tomorrow!! We only have 6 more weeks of school :)

Birthday Party!

Happy Birthday, Nicholas!
Brielle was able to sit in her special chair as Nicholas opened up his gift from her.

Brielle and Olivia.. Besties~

April 27, 2013

Poo Poo on the Potty...

Yes, we sing this loud and proud!
"Poo Poo on the Potty" is a famous song in this family...I believe Papa is the ring leader!
Austin has had 6 successful nights of doing #2 on the potty.

Nice find!

We hit tons of yard sales today.. this was a great find for $2.00.  Brielle will be rocking this new trailer hook up this summer. Such a big girl!  She LOVED it.

The lake...

After some sweet yard sales we hit the playground and beach

Ryan and Kevin came by!

April 26, 2013

MYA Parade for baseball

After a dinner at The Flats with Mimi and the family we went to see Kevin and Ryan in their parade.
Go Kevin and Bud :)

Hi Ryan!!

Ponemah Bog

We had another fun family trip today..

 This is before she fell in :)

Our first turtles of the season..

Austin was enjoying poking her in the bum with his stick...
We saw the mommy bear and 2 cubs again today.. so cute! 

April 25, 2013

Googie's house!

4 generations...love us some Mimi and Googie time

Austin is showing Googs some of his ice cream in his mouth :)


Goog and 2 of her great grandchildren...heart!

Follow the leader!

April 24, 2013

Home sweet home..

Brie keeps on trying out her new bike..

and Aus can't be left behind (he can't even reach the pedals)

Sun's out, guns out! Watch out ladies...(he might run you over) :)
A fantastic day today.. and we sold 3 things today off of craigslist~

Kimball's in Jaffrey, NH

3rd stop...

Our baby girl.. in her cowgirl boots and capris.. LOVE IT!

Look at that strawberry ice cream mustache! So handsome!

So mad! I told him to not throw dirt at his sister..

then he came towards me.. I had to turn away I was laughing so hard at his cute little face :)


2nd stop...

Connolly's farm.
This calf was born a couple days ago.  I wanted to take him home!


Austin didn't want to leave.. then I told him we were going to see an owl.. and he was off :)

There was about 20 hound dogs..adorable!

a couple hawks..

and an owl.."hoo" did talk to us..Brie and Aus where talking right back.  It was AWESOME!
The temperature was about 70 degrees...we didn't need snow suits today!!!  AMAZING!

Family Fun Day...

1st stop.. the fish hatchery!

April 23, 2013

Dinner Date

Nana and Djed came by for a tasty dinner!