February 28, 2013


Mimi was showing off some moves!
Austin's first time bowling..

Drew, Brielle, Charlie and Connor were having a blast!


Ronan came over in the morning to play!!  The best friends finally met :)

February 27, 2013

Basket rides

It was all about Austin tonight.. Brielle had a sleepover with Nana and Djed!

Haircuts all around...

Austin had to take a nap on the way

Her first real haircut

February 26, 2013

hanging around


Not sure what Austin is doing here..showing us his teeth, I guess.

Waking up from his nap.. love these 2 guys!

Olive Garden

Mimi invited us out for a tasty dinner

Look at their eyes!!

4 generations xoxo

Truck time

Aus and Brie love to hangout in the truck.. we drove around the driveway today (without any seat belts on-we are crazy!)


I love how Austin is laughing in this picture :)

A visit to the fire station~

The kids had the best time today.. the fire fighters were so nice and we all had a great tour.

Love how Charlie is looking out for Austin

Brielle was attached to the heart rate monitor

And here is Brie near the pole.. LOL

Watch out.. here they come!

Our little fire fighters :)

February 25, 2013

Fairy dust in a jar!

Austin looking and loving the fairy dust...

Play date~

Brie and I went to visit Tara and the kiddos for a few hours

Hard at work!

Tasty Breakfast

Charlie, Connor and Amy met up to have a fancy breakfast at the airport :)

Look at the size of this pancake!  All 4 kids got this and loved it!
 Austin ate like a mad man!

February 24, 2013

Still snowing!!

It is still snowing out!!

Austin being silly!

He picked his socks out today!

This picture is for Auntie Tammy... look at those lips!

February 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Brielle and I drove to the Cape with Mimi and Papa for the day to celebrate with Sam~
On the car ride home being silly!

Drew, Meg and Matt drove down too!

Birthday girl~

Mom and her girls!

love this picture of Dad!!

Sam waving good-bye to us