January 31, 2013


With all of this warm weather our rink became a pool :)

Aus and Nick taking all the leaves and sticks out

January 29, 2013

January 27, 2013

20 months old today

Austin is growing bigger and stronger everyday~
We love you little Cubs~

2 little monkeys jumping on the bed....

or flying in the air onto the bed~

Love Sunday fun day....

January 26, 2013

Ice Fishing Derby~

Beautiful, cold day out on the ice~

Austin didn't know what to think of Papa's hat

Drew and Brie learning how to ice fish


Brielle's last day of gymnastics for a while

January 25, 2013

Family celebration~

Brielle made this for me!

Happy Birthday...best presents ever!

Brielle took this beauty!

Mom's friend painted this picture of me... love it!

Happy 35th.. to me!

A group of us went to Clark's to celebrate!  Thanks friends!

Salsa with no onions.. love me some Sue!

January 21, 2013

Austin laced up his skates for the 1st time~

Hockey...Kovaliv style!

Djed skating with Brie for the first time...she loved it~

Austin putting laundry away..

I asked Austin to put the towels in the bathroom drawer (he knows where it is.. he does it all the time). Tonight I heard the toilet seat go down and him make a noise~ He thought it was pretty funny!