December 31, 2013

No kids!

We met up with Lisa and Neil at the Tap Room.  

The Flats

So good to see you guys!!

The night before Christmas!

December 30, 2013

Playing around

making some awesome shrinky dinks

Austin's puppy being made!

balancing on the cushions ;)

December 25, 2013

Sheridan/Kovaliv Christmas!

Christmas at Mimi and Papa's house after nap time...

Hugs to Papa

Papa bought Austin some real nuts and bolts.. he loved them!
Cute! The McCarthy's came over to enjoy some ham and meatballs with us!

 More lollipops.. heaven!

Funny stuff.. .Goog asked for tongs..we thought she wanted thongs...she got her tongs, don't worry!  Nick and I are pretty hilarious :)  Just ask us!

Good night.. it was an amazing day!

He loves to yell "cheese"

So serious.. looks like a prom picture! :)

Kovaliv Christmas!

Nana, Djed and Auntie Anna came over in the morning after we were done with Santa's gifts.

Love this picture!

Old Man on the Mountain vodka

New boots!

He works hard and plays harder!

Merry Christmas!!!

Santa...we love Santa!

Love having kids to bring the magic of Christmas to the house

He got his pink lollipop!

Brie loves her guitar and Austin loves his shovel

Stocking stuffers!

Quist came by for a surprise Christmas morning visit... love you!

Family pic.. love this one.. both kids are looking at their new toys!

December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!

What a fantastic Christmas Eve we had with family.  Santa told Brie and Aus that they were on the nice list!!!  They were so excited!

Pretending to sleep so Santa would arrive!

So proud of Cubs!

Brielle ended up singing a song to all of us after she asked Santa if it was ok.. so cute!

Meg wanted to join in :)

 Funny picture!

Melissa and her parents xoxo