December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Austin wasn't sure about skating.. but he did know he wanted to be on a bike!

The Cassidy and Kovaliv kids :)

First time on the ice with no one holding her!

Bumper cars!

Proud Mom!

Austin still loving his cars!

Amy and I had a great time on skates!

Resting by the fire

Dinner time..for the kids at least~! :)

December 30, 2012

Nice visit...

Brie and I went to the McCarthy's.  Holly, Greg, Hazel and Ella came by for a visit!
Brie missed Ella

Hazel is getting so big~

Drew and Brie playing some air hockey

The Pickle Club.. (minus 1)

Lucy came for a visit!

Thanks for the gifts~We love you guys!

December 29, 2012

Connor and Charlie :)

It was a great night.. Brielle finally got to see her friends!!!

December 28, 2012

Ice skating anyone?

Nick is one determined guy...

I look out the window and he is already filling it up!~

Family reunion

The Brown and Sheridan family got together today!
It was a great time..the kids met more cousins today!

Lake Winnipesaukee was beginning to freeze
Here is Mason (my cousin Janelle's oldest boy)

Brielle, Cami and Marlee

Austin with Lulu and Landon (my cousin Mike's 2 yr old twins)

Googie with almost all of her 13 great grandchildren (Sam is not here)

The classic family shot!

Mom and Dad...

Kelly taking a picture of the Marchand family!

Brielle's Great Uncle Bo (Mom's brother)

December 27, 2012

Snow much fun!

We went to Ryan and Kevin's to do some more sledding
Kevin giving Brie a little push

Bud giving Brie a big push..

Look at Charlie in the background... I think he was excited~

Go Kevin!

Loving the snow..

After we made the kids clean up pine needles we let them outside to play :)

What an angel!

She has been wanting to go skiing for sooo long!!

Look at those lips! Letting the snowflakes hit his face

December 25, 2012

The List!

She was so happy to get ALL 3 things she asked for!
1. Baby Doll(one that gets sick and you can make her better)
2. Swimming baby doll
3. Doc Kit (Doc McStuffin's kit)

Christmas evening..

We went to Mimi and Papa's to celebrate more Christmas!!
Aus getting his loves from Googs... as always!

Brielle and her Mimi.. Brie gets a bell every year from Mimi.. just like my God Mother did for me :)

Cinderella is in the house!

Someone is now driving!

Crazy fun picture!

Nice and proper picture..
We are so fortunate to be able to share such a special day with everyone.  Merry Christmas xoxo