October 31, 2012

Safety First!

Austin really enjoys wearing Brielle's bike helmet... and carrying the lantern!
 We lost our power for a couple days..The kids were getting ready this morning by candlelight.  I think I woke both of them up with the flash in this picture.  It was so dark this morning!!  This is how they eat these days.. right next to each other in their cute chairs!

October 29, 2012

Family Fun Day!

Nick and I were able to stay home and hang out with the kids on Monday because we had no school. Here is Brielle sketching out the design for the pumpkin

Aus having a grand old time!

Team work!

The finished product!

Here she is!

October 28, 2012

Fall Fun.. and relaxing!

They love each other so much.. it makes our hearts melt!

The Walk~

I love this little man's walk

October 27, 2012

Game time~

Drew and Brie watching Kev

Hanging out...

Brielle was getting ready for Kevin's big super bowl game

Austin was trying on his new boots!

Great day~

Watching his dad stack wood...

Showing their tongues to one another

Loves playing in the pile of leaves

Kevin spent a few hours at our house today.. it was so nice to have him around!

October 25, 2012

Halloween walk at school...

Brielle loves being a mouse!

One of her teachers :)

Charlie and Connor showed up!!

Brielle and her friend Sara

Brielle's other teacher~

Mimi, Papa and Nana came to see Brielle..

Family photo!

Someone likes his candy!!

October 21, 2012

Falling into more leaves

LOTS of leaves!

Um..what is this leaf doing there?

October 19, 2012

Friday night dinner...

We had a fantastic time at Googie's house on Friday night!  Mimi was there too!!

Nick and Brielle...and Austin showed Googs how the apple peeler worked

Aus loving Googs!

Brie had to get in on the photo :)

October 17, 2012

Railroad tracks

I have been wanting to take the kids down to the railroad tracks for a while.. reminds me of our wedding photos.
(oh.. by the way... Nick and I almost got hit by a train today in Wilton.. it was freaky!! That has no relation to this post~) 

She did all of these poses by herself...it was cute and hilarious!

Austin was enjoying this moment!