August 30, 2012

15 months old

Austin had a visit to the doctors today.  He weighed in at 26lbs and 32.5 inches long.  He didn't really mind the 2 shots, what a tough boy!
The doctor commented on his big feet.  I hope he doesn't get the bunions ;)


Little Einstein's doesn't know what is coming their way....she was so excited!!  We were the first ones in the parking lot!!

loving it!

August 27, 2012

First day at Pam's

We are back to school!!
Here is Brielle heading off to Pam's house.. and this time she is bringing her baby brother.  All last year she asked if he could come with her :)

We figured out that the backpack was a bit to heavy for Austin...we tried :)

Big sister and little brother... on their way!

Love!  We will miss hanging out with them during the day!!

August 26, 2012

Nap time..

Austin had way too much fun at the football game.. he fell asleep walking around at the flea market!

Fall is in the air!

Kevin...#41 running with the ball!!

Go Kevin!
 Brother and cousin hanging out at the field

Austin playing with trash :)
 Aus and Brie.. they are so proud of KEVIN!!
 We can't wait to see more games!!
We ended the day with a nice BBQ with Kev, Ryan, Melissa and Bud...and the Sunday night belly ache begins!!  Back to work tomorrow!!

August 25, 2012

Something new...

Brielle was taking a bunch of pictures of Austin in her chair.  He seems to like it. 

 Their first dinner together at the big kid table!

August 23, 2012

Sprinkler fun~!

 Look at his face!
 Loving it!

August 21, 2012

Enjoying the sun, sand and sea!


Kiera and Brielle having a great time...Kiera is from NYC.. we can't wait to visit her in the big city :)
 Brielle showed her minnows, crabs, shrimp, swans... and they even went swimming in the pond...

Last Cape Cod night...for awhile!

August 20, 2012

Tasty Crabs!

Brielle was eating the crabs so fast that Papa and Nick couldn't crack the shells fast enough to keep up with her

 She said it tasted like lobster.. what a Cape Cod girl!!

August 19, 2012

Old Silver Beach

Austin thought that he should be in this one!

Early Breakfast

We found a cute bench on Main St. that the kids loved!

August 18, 2012

Lunch out~

We went to the BBC for a nice lunch...
 Aus was having a good time... promise :)

August 17, 2012

Wood Neck Beach

Davis Farmland

Look at the ducks!

 Someone needs a pony!!
Loves the red tractor