July 30, 2012

The Jeep is on the road!

The kids loved going for a ride tonight!!

July 28, 2012

Golden Palace...

Katy's drink.. the waiter didn't know if she was having a girl or a boy :)
 Katy and Lisa
 Linda and I

Kids Kove

We were going to visit the library but it was closed.. so we went to a playground in the rain!

Hockey Player or Computer Tech?

July 25, 2012

Story Land

We have all finally made it to Story Land...yes, we will go back :)
They wouldn't leave this pumpkin!

Tea Cups were a favorite

 We HAD to go on Cinderella's coach

 Connor and Charlie hanging with Brielle
 This water ride/game was a big hit
Still sleeping!

 Here they go!!
 Who doesn't love the log ride?

 Or a casual ride on an antique car?

 This turtle twist ride was fun for all!

Great day with the Cassidy family!!

July 24, 2012

Clark's Trading Post~

The Wolflman gave me nightmares when I was a kid, who am I kidding... he still does!  Brielle and Austin seemed to not mind the crazy man.  I wouldn't have taken them on the train if it wasn't for Brie begging to go for a ride!

Brielle loved running through the mist fan

We met up with Amy and the boys for dinner at Woodstock Station
View from Dale's back deck...so peaceful

Franconia Notch

After a long drive up north to Dale's house we headed to a playground down the street before going to visit with the bears!