June 30, 2012


Nick and Jamie scooped up a huge snapping turtle

June 29, 2012

Serious Play Date

Tammy and Samantha had a bunch of friends over for a play date.  It was a blast!

 Sam and Brie are up to something!! :)

Great Uncle Jim :)

June 28, 2012


Nick took these with his phone today... xoxo

Road Trip

We packed the car again today.  We went to Yarmouth and Dennis.  We were able to meet up at Holly's parents house for a splash in the pool!  We also had tasty clam plates at Kream 'N Kone in West Dennis.

June 27, 2012

Mmmm saltwater!

Bike ride to the beach...

Roger Williams Zoo

We were so excited that we were able to hang out with Aileen, Colin, Tristan and Gabby!!
Austin was so content in the backpack for the 2 hours we were there.

 Cousins.. 2nd cousins twice removed, or something like that.. but who cares :)

June 24, 2012


I love how Brielle and I have our hands on our hips and Dad and Nick have a beer in their hands
 Papa and Nick worked on the engine today.. and they got it to work again. 
Happy Birthday, Drew!  We miss you down here.. feel better!!

Funday Sunday

June 23, 2012

Funday Saturday

Samantha came over to play.. she even brought her pool!
 We went to Aunt Barbara's house for a BBQ and my cousin Joseph was there.  He loved playing with Brie and Sam.
 Gram enjoying the company~
 They wanted to do an action photo :)
 I thought this was adorable.  It is like a team picture pose.

Great day on the ocean!

Dad took Nick, Tom and Donald out fishing and they had a very memorable day out at sea!  These stripers are huge! (and delicious)
 Brielle wasn't sure about the size of this fish.. it was a Butterlips :)
 Tom enjoying the moment :)