May 31, 2012

Camera shot~

Out first time using Brielle's monitor on Austin...I can't believe I didn't do this early.  He is so cute when he sleeps :)

May 30, 2012

Hair Cut~

Austin got his first hair cut from Mimi!  He wasn't sure what to think :)
 He had his 1 year appointment today... he weighed in at 25.5 lbs and grew another inch~

Happy Birthday, Papa!!

Enjoying some pizza and waiting for Papa and Mimi to arrive!

 My attempt to make a fishing rod with a fish on :)
 All tired out from a great party!

May 28, 2012

Beautiful day on the lake

Brielle enjoyed the boat ride...she liked when Uncle Bud went super fast!
 This is Ryan water skiing for the first time...he got up on his first try..AWESOME!

 Enjoying some sand!

May 27, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Austin!!

A cubby bear cake~

Pinata time..

Austin's crazy-fun godfathers!!

Thanks to all who stopped by to celebrate our little Cubs!  We had a special day that we will remember always!

May 26, 2012

Nick's masterpiece!

I had mentioned to Nick that I would like a picnic table for the back yard... 1 trip to Home Depot and a a couple of hours and tada...Brielle helped out too!

 Austin loved watching them :)
 Just in time for Austin's 1st Birthday!!

Memorial Day BBQ at the Leavis's

May 21, 2012

Loving the Lake

We did some fishing, swimming, playing, swinging.. and all that fun stuff!!  Summer is here.. well almost!
