February 28, 2012

We missed the Cape!

9 Months old.. my fresh boy!

Brielle had a pillow fort for Aus :)

February 27, 2012


Connor, Charlie, Drew, Ryan, Kevin, Austin and Brielle had a great time bowling!! Drew and Brie
Charlie wanted to hold Austin.. and Austin wanted to stick his thumb in Charlie's mouth :)

Kev and Brie

Brie and the boys!

Dentist Time

Dr. Andrew said Brielle was the perfect patient. I was so proud of her!!

February 26, 2012

Watching a show....

They love being together!! We had a great time at Nana and Djed's house!

February 25, 2012

Good Times~

Giorgios...Clark's...Jay's Tavern...Home :)

New Ride!

Thanks Uncle Dale and Uncle Mike for Austin's new ride...Brielle is enjoying it :)

February 22, 2012

National Margarita Day

Julie and I had to stop by Clark's on this famous day!

February 21, 2012

New Toys!

Austin loves looking in the mirror... he is still trying to figure out who that handsome boy is.. Whoever he is.. he loves to give kisses to him :)
Thanks Uncle Foss for the gifts!

February 19, 2012

Sunday Funday

Brie and Nick did some biking outside today.. and Brie did some more down the hallways :)

Nick took this picture... Austin was getting folded in half and didn't realize that he was suppose to stick out his tongue

The Lorax... and Brielle can read the entire book...Thanks Auntie Anna.. she loves it. We just saw that it is going to be a movie.. :)

Loves to stand!!

and dance...
8 teeth.. one came through today :)

February 18, 2012

The tropics...or Hampshire Hills...

Brielle had her last swim lesson (for this group)--Drew, Mimi and Papa came to see her!
My boy and I :)

Papa relaxing :)

February 17, 2012

Crazy Friday night!

Brielle wanted her picture taken after we took some of Austin in his new duck tub. I was so happy that I found this.. it is the same tub that Brie had when she was his age. She loved it and it quacks :) Here he is... lovin' it!

February 12, 2012

A new addition to the club..

Austin and Brie met Hazel today!! What a cutie!!

Austin enjoying wearing a hat... first time supporting the Red Sox :) Ella and Brielle doing some coloring
Hazel is adorable... Congrats Holly, Ella and Greg~It was great to see you guys!

We will see you on the island :)

February 11, 2012

Family trip to the Flats~

Go Bruins :) Austin did not show up in his pj's.. lets just say we are glad we had a change of clothes :)

Loving the ice cream~

Go Ryan~

We finally were able to make a game.. good job Ry!!

February 09, 2012

More Teeth

I won't post another boogie nose picture with teeth... but the kid has a total of 7 now.. 2 more just popped through...maybe he will sleep better tonight...:)

February 05, 2012

Go Pats!

We took a walk over to Bud and Lissa's house to say hi...

Drew and Brie are loving this huge beanbag :) Charlie...
On our walk we spotted chaga!!!
Megs and Austin still are in cousin love!

The guys before the game

The crew... minus Googs and Mimi

Look at this face :)