October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Brielle with her superheroes! Look at this bunch!
Cutest turtle and giraffe EVER :)

We had neighbors stopping by in the street to let us know trick-or-treating had been cancelled.. We were well aware of this, but we still wanted to celebrate Halloween! We practiced by doing a walk around and through the house and Mimi gave out candy :)

October 30, 2011

My Husband.. The Slayer...

Nick had a very successful weekend..

He killed his first deer on Sunday.. here he is with Dad and bambi :) So proud! He went hunting with some students of ours for these pheasants on Saturday...fun times!
I guess we won't starve this winter!

Close call....

This is what we went out to see at 2am with some flash lights. There was no damage!! PHEW! Playing some games to pass the time while we had no power...loving the heat from the fireplace :)

October 29, 2011

Super Bowl!

Samantha was at the game.. Brielle had a great time running around with her!! Go Kevin!
So proud!

When we got out of the game.. we had a fun ride home in the snow...this is the beginning of 4 days without power!!

Go Drew~

Brielle and I finally made it to one of Drew's soccer games.. it had to be the coldest one!

Matt having some treats :)

October 28, 2011

Welcome to the family....

Brielle and Austin have a new cousin.. Charlie!

Bud came over so they could play :) Uncle Bud with the little man

Austin had some laughs with him

October 25, 2011

Fall is in the air!

The run......


Austin got his first tooth today :)

October 24, 2011

Window Markers

We are so proud of Brielle.. she has been practicing her letters and drawings.. she even writes her brother's name ;)

You can never have too much fun writing and drawing on windows!

THE pumpkin :)

October 23, 2011


I found this outfit today.. here is our little cat!
I also found this cute pumpkin shirt... good thing I went through his clothes!

Loves talking with his Papa

October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Carving at Bud and Lissa's

Guess what Brielle wants from Santa? Raspberries!
Where are all the children? LOL

I still need to take a picture of the finished product

A new toy!

He seems to like it so far...

October 21, 2011

Cousin Fun~

All the kids joined Austin on the floor..

Look at their faces!!

My Mattman

My Megs!

Apple anyone?