August 29, 2011

1st day of...

Brielle going back to Pam's and Austin spending the day at Mimi's house! Brie was so excited she didn't want to eat her she took it with her ;)

We will miss you summer.....

August 27, 2011

Congratulations Dale & Emily

Fall is in the air :)

1st football game of the season. Ryan and Kevin are on the same team this year!!

Kevin's first game!!! Go Ryan!!
The Kev

Brielle loves to watch her cousins play!!

Good game!

Couldn't leave Austin out :)

August 26, 2011


Brie loves to shake her bickies... no diaper since July 13th :) YEAH!!!

August 25, 2011

Up early!

We had a busy day.. we were at the playground by 8am and then off to visit Googie with Mimi. Nick is at a wedding for the next 4 days...we miss him!!!
Austin's ride...

August 23, 2011

Uncle Mikey!

Brielle loves her Uncle Mike!

August 22, 2011


He was playing a minute ago...
Oh... so tired!
Can you hear him snoring? :)

August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!

Brielle had so much fun at Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday!
She goes to the same woman for daycare... they are best buds!

She didn't need a bathing suit!

August 20, 2011

Look at my crib!

Austin decided that he wanted to try his big bed more bassinet for him! He has his own room tonight :)
Sweet dreams!

Canadians :)

Nick's Aunt Lucy and cousin Christopher came down from Canada for a week to visit. Oh ya and Cookie! Aunt Lucy :)

August 19, 2011

Sail Away!

Dad took Nick, Mike, Drew and Brielle out fishing...

August 18, 2011

Falmouth to Martha's Vineyard...a Success!

Mike had a great idea.. lets take 4 kids to the Vineyard.... so we did and we all had a great time!
On the Island Queen

My BFF for the ride

At Mad Martha's for some ice cream. We met up with Holly and Ella for some laughs!

On the way home...zzzzzzzzzzzz

Missing Austin!

Playground time!!

The Flying Horses...

Giddy up!



Walshie came by with his daughter Erin... it was great to see you!

We talked about being a tomahawk :)