July 31, 2011


Brielle loves hanging out with Charlie and Connor!

July 30, 2011

I want to grow up to be a cowgirl!

I was downloading country music.. all of a sudden Brielle started dancing and she put her hat on and was in heaven. Then she wanted Nick and I to get our cowboy hats.. so we did :)

Beach time with the family

Melissa and Ryan....Cannon ball!
Kevin is getting so big!

Still loving the tent and his chair!
Bud and Melissa

Tara with Ryan, Kevin and Drew
Great afternoon at the lake!

July 29, 2011

Baby brother!

Brie is always wanting to poke and touch her baby brother :) Still poking!
Not sure why Austin's outfit is on the couch right above his head... :)

July 28, 2011


Nick finished the steps and they came out awesome.. Brielle was the first one on them :)

Hi Googs!

5 great grandchildren and 2 grandchildren had a visit with Googie...and we brought pizza :) All and all, it went pretty well...she was so happy!

This is the best picture of all of them..

July 27, 2011

2 months old!

Austin turned 2 months old today. We went to the doctors.. he is off the charts for height and weight....the size of a 4 month old!! This means he is going to eat some rice cereal :) The doctor thinks he needs food... and so do I. This boy likes to drink.. and I am assuming he is going to love to eat! We tried to go shopping to get some food, but he started to scream because he was hungry. I will try again tomorrow.

Look at those lips! I had to get these shots because in a couple of more weeks I won't be able to hold him like this... :)

July 26, 2011

Pictures from Tammy

BBQ at Tammy, Samantha and Pat's house when we were down the Cape

Loves playing with her cousin Sam!


Play Date~

We met up with Wilson and Kaitlyn at Kids Kove.. and then went to King Kone :) She has not seen these 2 since the end of May! Brie had a blast!!!

July 25, 2011

Happy Monday!

So Brielle wanted a sword...can you tell which one I made...€the one made out of cardboard in her left hand. Can you tell which one Nick made..the one made out of wood with a bright pink handle!! She said mine was broken :)
Loves playing on his mat.. when he is not eating...thank the lord! :)
Enjoying the swing more and more every day~

Pictures from Tara...

King Kone.. can't go wrong with this!! Heart!
Brielle loves cheering Drew on!!

July 24, 2011

Scooter anyone?

Anyone want to buy a scooter??

Dale is one handsome model :)

July 23, 2011

More lake time~

Kristen invited us over to her parent's house.. perfect afternoon to cool down! We were so proud of her.. she was swimming like a fish!

Good visit!

Brielle and Adele having some snacks... I think they had about 10 of them :)
It was great to see Adele, Mia, Lisa and Neil...xoxo

July 22, 2011

Baby boy!



Tara and Drew had a great idea.. to go to King Kone and then go bowling.

It was Brielle's first time and she loved it!

For some reason she didn't want to take her sunglass off.. and she didn't mind that they were upside down!

Up to no good!

Planning something!