June 30, 2011


Brie helps out by burping Austin for me :) Austin seems to be enjoying his first visit to Cape Cod.. he has even made it to the Christmas Tree shop with his Mimi :)

June 29, 2011


We went to Falmouth Heights this morning to play in the sand.. and have a photo shoot! :)

Brielle was playing and talking with me as Nick took the pictures

She tells us now when she is being fresh..

Austin and I got our picture taken....his first Cape Cod trip to Mimi and Papa's

Uncle Jamie bought lots of lobsters for dinner... Brielle tried some and said...Yummy!

June 27, 2011

June 26, 2011

Fun with some cousins!

We headed down to the lake for some rock throwing, fishing and swimming!
Sam and Brie finding the perfect rock!

Drew caught a fishy!
Brielle caught a fishy
Then I had to go home because Austin was calling me... Tara ended up taking these pictures

Another fun day in the neighborhood!

June 25, 2011

More celebrating!

Brielle had a short visit to Jump On In to celebrate with Drew and his friends... then we went to his house after nap time!

Safety first!

The fam!

Um.. not sure what Austin and I are looking at... but it was a good try.. our first family photo :)

Another cousin :)

Samantha, Tammy and Pat came up to celebrate Drew's birthday and to meet Austin :)

June 24, 2011

Drew turns 5!!

Thanks for having us over to celebrate!

June 23, 2011


It was raining... and we all needed to get out of the house. We decided to check out Bobo's in Nashua. It was fun.. I guess :)

June 20, 2011

Nice work!

We put the ear muffs to work.. she loved mowing the lawn!!

Strawberry picking time!

Family fun :)