January 30, 2011

Winter Sports!

Tunnel time...Brielle calls it her cave and she is a bear!

Her first hockey game.. watching Dada coach!

Thanks Auntie Anna for Brielle's skis~
Look at me! It's my first time skiing :)

Her cute little snow angel :)

January 25, 2011


rielle was a great help when it came to opening up my gifts! Me and my Cheeky Monkey Girl
Nick bought me a delicious cheese cake from Fredericks
Tara came by my parents house to pick up Drew...she was able to get some meatballs and cake to go :) The twins were sleeping in the van!

Everyone helped me blow out the candles this year!
Thanks for all the love xoxo

A visit from Ed Gerety

I was able to get Ed to come and speak to all the students at my school. It was a great experience for all the students and staff... thanks Ed!

January 22, 2011

Boston Bound!

Tara, Mom and I ventured down to see Jersey Boys. We had a great time and the show was awesome. Here is a link to check it out. http://www.jerseyboysinfo.com/tour/boston.htm

January 21, 2011

Drum roll!

Waiting for her cookies to bake..

Snow Day #3

Brielle is finally feeling a little better these days.. it has been a long week!! Good thing I only had to work 2 days and Nick stayed home with her :)
Someone got a new shovel from her Mimi...
Loves sledding!She wasn't quite sure what to think of her house

January 20, 2011

Winter Walk

We were so excited that we got her out of the house!! It has been a challenge!

January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Wilson!

Brielle's friend from daycare turned 2. We celebrated at Discovery Stop in Londonderry. Here she is with the birthday boy!Kaitlyn is another one of Brie's friends from daycare Pizza and cake time!

Since the party she has been sick as can be.. not fun.. some puke, fever and lots of Handy Manny and Mickey!

January 12, 2011


Helping to make some delicious cookies

Snow Day #1

Come on... let's go!
Nick came home from the Bruins game last night with a present for Brielle!
She loves this stuff!

Daddy making a sledding path
The word of the day....MORE! She wanted more sledding!

January 09, 2011

New Room = No Crib!

Brielle has a new queen size bed and she slept in it for the first time last night...
Look at all these toys!!

She is proud of her new room and big bed!

January 01, 2011

Late night

Mike is in town so we all went out to dinner...
Mike, Dale and Nick :)
Then they came back to the house.. Brielle wanted to see who was at the house.. she stayed up until 11 playing her Go Fish game and saying "cheers" with the boys! She was so happy!

Visitors from the island

Holly, Ella and Greg stopped by Milford to say hi... Drew is in the back near the door :)
Happy New Year!