November 27, 2010

Best Friends!!

We had a nice night out at The Flats
Then we came home to read ... Gold Bug Where Are You?????

November 26, 2010

And it begins...

Brielle was so excited to get her Christmas tree!!!
Bigger tree Dada

Successful trip to get the Christmas tree!

November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

We had Thanksgiving at Nick's parents house!
Family picture plus Joe
Brielle loves her Djed and Nana!
Watching Tiger and Pooh on Pippi's bed

November 22, 2010

Brielle Morgan

I wanted to share some pictures of Brielle we had taken last weekend. The photographer was one of my student's mothers. I only picked 5 out of 200 to show :) We had a blast!!

November 21, 2010

Meghan and Matthew's big day!

Matt-man was first...
Here comes Megs!
We think Matt made the priest's arms very tired
because this is what Meg looked like... :) He was shaking!!

My new godson
Tammy and Bud are Meghan's godparents
Pat and I are Matthew's godparents!

Family picture :) Everyone did a great job!

Christmas is coming :)

Brielle is wearing my cute!

November 20, 2010

November 17, 2010

1st hair cut

Bye Bye mullet!

Mimi cut it while Papa held her...

November 15, 2010

Bruins game

Boston Beer Works+6 free tickets=good times!

Emily wasn't there yet... :(

November 09, 2010

1 Step closer to pigtails~

She was so proud of her ponytail...

November 07, 2010

Sunday fun

More piles of leaves please!

November 06, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Kevin!!

We celebrated Kev's birthday and had some yummy pizza and cake. Brielle is still talking about the blue frosting :) The monkey pillow was a hit
Megs :)
Brielle showing Megs how to play with this new toy
Googie and her 2 new great grandkids
Some of the great grandchildren
Optimus Prime cake
Meg and Matt are party animals!