October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What a good ladybug!Megs was such a cute bug :) Peeky-boo

Matt-man was all about being a bee!
Batman, Ladybug and Bumble Bee
Hanging out in the flowers

We also had the Wolverine stop by (Ryan)
Captain America also made an appearance! (Kevin)

October 30, 2010

The pumpkin!

Ponemah Farms

She had some fun in the Hay Maze...
Our little bear....

Loving her cookie...

October 24, 2010

Family Fun!

Mike and Tara had us all over for a tailgating/BBQ party before the Pats game!Brie had to have pizza..just like Drew.
Ryan was the master at pumpkin carving...
Nick had to take over Brielle's pumpkin
Bud doing some scooping
I guess we will see Brielle's pumpkin on Halloween...she obviously wanted to keep it a surprise!
Loved the slide
aka binky twins :)

October 21, 2010

Bear hat

We were trying on different hats tonight while Brielle ate her cheese...I don't think she even knew it was on her head.. Mickey Mouse was on!

October 17, 2010

Brielle wanted a fire....we gathered all the sticks earlier in the day...she loves this stuff!Helping her dad outShe wanted a wheelbarrow ride...so she got one :)

October 10, 2010

October 09, 2010

Crisp autumn morning


Auntie Anna came for a long visit! Brielle loves spending time with her Auntie :)

October 08, 2010

Clark's Trading Post

Family photo!
Waiting in the parlor for her ice cream
Brielle had a great time seeing the bears...she laughed because they got to eat ice cream!

The Basin

Dale's Tunnel

We spent the night at Dale's house up in the Notch... everything that was there Brie said it was Dale's! :) She called his moose.. Mickey Moose...so funny!

October 03, 2010

Work hard.. Play hard!

Brielle helped her daddy stack the cord of wood that was delivered...
All the work is done..so it is time to play! Mimi found this new slide at a yard sale!