August 29, 2010

We Are... The Red Machine....

Ryan's first football game... he was adorable...I mean tough~Here he making a tackle!!
Bud is the coach...Ryan is #20~

Brie is Ryan's #1 cheerleader

August 28, 2010


We got some lobsters and made some margaritas and hung out on the deck...Grady, Norbert and Katy joined us!

Loving the new deck~

August 22, 2010

Butter Lips

We have a new has a mark on its lip where Brielle hooked it.. hence the name :)

Then we went to Bud's to celebrate his birthday.. we brought fish eye pie for dessert! Happy Birthday!

August 21, 2010


We soooo got Mom with this one :) We celebrated her 60ish Birthday last weekend....just a year or so late!! Here she is with Judy, one of her best friends from high school. The Ya-Yas
Three stooges
Plus Mom
Mom's 3 best friends from Natick The Captain of the boat is in the

We had a great time!
Almost caught her giving rabbit ears to Deb!

August 19, 2010

Friendly Farm

Our lovely nanny Katy joined us for another field trip!
I handed her the bag of food... then Brielle and I just watched :) Wow..these pigs were dirty!
Heads up Bock Bocks!

A nice pat on the bum

August 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Tara

The ladies~ Drew was celebrating hardcore Little bit of running going on...

some yelling...
Megs and Mom

Tub rides

Loves the rides... Doesn't like it when they are over!

August 13, 2010

Long lost friend

Guess who pulled in the driveway today...Niles and his 3 kids ;) We ended up spending hours together...great laughs.. Katy and Norbert also joined in! AND Katy buried a sun chips bag in the backyard..we will see if it is still there in 13 weeks!

August 12, 2010


We came back from VT today and decided to go see Ryan's football practice...Brie was cheering him on with some big claps and she also enjoyed the swings :)

August 11, 2010

Vermont :)

We made a trip to see Kristen...we had to pick Nick up at Quechee Gorge so went to take a look..Brielle wanted to go to the other side of the bridge...go figure :)

An attempt of a family picture
Brielle could not get enough of the 2 dogs. Thanks Tucker and Marley for the entertainment
Took a walk to see the cows.. didn't get to see them but I did get some kisses!

Brielle loves her rocks..she sat there for awhile making sure she touched all of them. Don't worry it wasn't a busy street!

Thanks for a wonderful time Kristen and Chris...oh ya.. and Tucker.. oh ya AND Marley!