May 31, 2010

Back home!

We got home from N.C. to find our porcupine friend in the wood pile..Brielle spotted him a few weeks ago.. we guess he wants to stick around! He is a cute addition!Wish our garden looked like this all over!After our trip home from N.C. we went to visit Djed, Nana and Anna~

May 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

It was Dad's birthday today.. the same day as the wedding..
We went to hang out with 4 couples from Merrimack.. they had a great spot!
Mom, Amy and April relaxing and the men chatting up a storm :)

The wedding was in a few hours.. pics will be posted sometime soon...

May 27, 2010

Airplane ride!

Someone loves the beach!Dad, Amy and Nick...loving life and loves to take naps on the beach!

More Beach!

Brielle, Mimi, Papa, Amy (our nanny :)), Nick and I went to Wrightsville Beach, NC for 5 days. We traveled down for Darren and Julia's wedding.. more pics to follow. Brielle did great on the flights and loved every minute of the trip! Wow.. she can really turns those boys heads with this look!

Chasing the "ducks" as Brie calls them

May 23, 2010

Feeling free!

We went from clamming to all dressed up.. from Mimi to Nana... all in one day!

Someone loves clamming!

There will be many more days like these :) She loved every minute of clamming...Every Sunday should be this much fun!

May 22, 2010


Mom and I had a laugh at our men... so hot~

Staying out of the wind

Can I just say that Nick and I can't wait for summer!!! We have 6 more days with the students~

May 21, 2010

True Cowgirl!

WLC had a Spring Fling on Friday night. Brielle took a real liking to the pony and animals that were there.Loved it!~Katy and Norbert :)Jon and Nick with Brielle.. Jon just got out of the dunk tank...

May 16, 2010

Brie and Sam

Mimi gave them flowers... Brielle taking a moment to wave at the car driving by!

Good times!

Enjoying more pictures being taken...Fresh!
Still being fresh!
She loves this bench! She backs right up to cute!Mom, are you still taking pictures?