February 27, 2010

Happy early birthday Samantha!

Birthday Girl!

Brielle and her Great Aunt Barbara
Great Gram!

Brie knows how to party!
Taking a break from the tasty food!
Auntie Tammy made the blog :)

Quahogs for dinner

Nick started to hiss at the swans.. thought we were having swans and quahogs for dinner...
our snuggle bug
trying not to get water in his gloves

February 26, 2010

Zooquarium...all about the animals this week

Mimi, Papa, Nick, Brielle and I went to see more animals in Yarmouth. Turtles and owls are Brie's favorite animals

Papa almost lost a finger with this one...

Another starfish

More turtles...

February 25, 2010

Vacation Part 2-Cape Cod

Another rainy day... so we headed to Woods Hole Aquarium.
The star fish are lucky they have all 5 legs left. She loved playing with them...

February 20, 2010

Happy 40th Birthday Tammy

Hanging with Sam and Drew

Samantha came up for a visit
Love their fingers :)
Early birthday gift for Sam-Brie's is helping out!

February 16, 2010


She was laughing at the funny faces I was making :)

Giddy Up!

What a cowgirl!

We had a great snow day today!

February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day adventures

We headed to Tara and Mike's this morning...
Papa giving kisses to Brielle Mimi and BrieDrew is getting excited to be a big brother!!!Mimi and Brielle.. again :)Family picture on Valentine's Day! Daddy and his girl
Sledding.. she loves it~

The boys enjoying life!
Nana and BrielleWe had a wonderful weekend! oxox