October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!


All the grandkids...

Moving up...

All smiles in her new car seat!


Amy brought her boys over for a visit. Brie loves Connor and Charlie!

Brie got this new toy from Amy.. she loves to walk around!Henry and Brie having their daily stare down!

October 30, 2009

Drew's Halloween night

Brie and I went to see Drew trick-or-treating at his school...he was a stud!
We also had the treat of seeing Mike and Tara in their costumes.

October 26, 2009

Trip to the Cape

We had some guests this weekend... Mike came in from Oregon and Jess and Brian came down from Burlington and Dale just made the trip like us :)
The boys went fishing and ended up catching a couple.. we went out to the BBC Sunday night and had a great time. Brie got her first bike from Dale and Mikey.. can't wait until her legs are long enough to push herself around! Thanks for a great couple of days..

October 25, 2009


Cape Cod in the Fall

Brie loves her Mimi!

Blowing Bubbles

This is one of Brie's new tricks...She loves to stand.. she is getting so big! Our happy girl!

October 24, 2009

Play date

Sam, Drew and Brie had a fun day...

October 19, 2009

Good times....

Hanging out with Tigger We find Brie under things... she scoots backward and doesn't know where she is going!
Here she is making bridges for her stuffed animals to go under!
Cruising around the house!

October 12, 2009

Happy 40th Anniversary!

We brought over some Burger King for Nana and Djed (inside joke/story) to celebrate!

October 11, 2009

Mountain View Grand Hotel

On Sunday morning we took Brie to see where we had our wedding reception.. and we also went to the farm they had on the grounds.

We found the wagon we took a ride in on our wedding day in the back of the barn...

So many pictures and memories

On Sunday afternoon we took another hike to another waterfall...
All Brie was saying was....get me out of the car seat and into the woods! Hug a rock
Brielle looking up at Ripley Falls

Love this picture.. Nick was telling Brie about his AT hike and explaining what the sign was for... (heart)

Enjoying her first fall... Hey Mom...see that rock slide in the distance.. that is what Nick took me ice climbing on...

Here it is up close!Mt. Washington Hotel...thought it was worth a picture
As we were heading home from an awesome day and to make our day even more complete...we were so lucky to see these 3 moose. A mommy and her 2 kids!