September 29, 2009

The Senior Class!!

They were in 8th grade when I I am their guidance counselor once again.. and class advisor~It will be sad to see them go!

September 26, 2009

Good Stuff!

Nick took 3 of our students up hiking in the White Mts. They had a blast and the kids are still talking about it!

Drew's Open House

Brielle loved it there... so we registered her for when she turns 3 years old. They already have 5 kids on the list!! Drew was so proud of all his work and so were we!

September 20, 2009

Jordan's Walk for Wishes

Thanks to everyone who helped raise money for Make A Wish. We were the top fundraising team!! :)
I have a new friend, Amanda!

It was a great day!!!

September 19, 2009


Our little pumpkin~weighing in at 20lbs 2oz at her 6 month check up!! :)

September 15, 2009

Mom and Brielle

Enjoying the nights...

Still enjoying her bath time... Can't wait for her 1st horse!
Still friends with these 2 guys!
Look at these legs!

September 11, 2009


If I could take a picture... I would show you Brie's 1st tooth! The other bottom one will be cutting through any day now!

Bass Pro Shop

Mom, Nick, Brie and I had a blast looking at all the hunting and fishing "stuff"
Santa might be bringing Brie this hat!!!
Oh ya look at me....

September 10, 2009

Look who is 6 months old!!!

Love my little girl!
Family shot!
Driving already!!!