August 30, 2009

Turkeys and Chickens

Brielle loved Scott and Ami's pets!

Playing outside

Cowboy meets Cowgirl!

Baboosic Lake

Brielle had her first trip to the lake today.. we didn't plan on going.. but we still had a good time!

Brie loves any type of bottle..
Ryan and Kevin loving Brie
Nice hair!!

Someone is getting ready for fall!!

August 29, 2009

Visit with good friends!

Amy, Nick, Brie and I went to Kristen's house to say hello!

Brie loves dogs.. she was looking at Tucker in this one!

August 23, 2009

Fishing in Stark, NH

Nick went up with Dale, Dad, Arnie and Finlay to the camp for 2 nights to catch some fish and be MEN! Whatever that is....:)
Here is Dad! Dale

Freshie Pants!!

Brielle was having fun with her carrots tonight :)


Grady came by with his daughter Olivia... it was great to meet her...Brie and Liv had a great time!

August 19, 2009

Everyone needed a turn...

We celebrated Bud and Tara's birthdays..

Bath time!

These 2 can't get enough of the water... or each other!

Pool time!

Mom, Tara, Drew, Brie and I went to the MacDonald's pool for the afternoon...

I can't get enough of her cheeks!
She LOVED the pool!

Drew thinking the water was a little chilly

August 15, 2009

Amigos to Swan Chocolates

Our two families went out to dinner for Tara's birthday and had some Mexican food. Then we had to go to Swan Chocolates to taste test some chocolates... and yes.. buy some! Love Drew's face in this one!

August 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Tara!

We all had a great day at Lake Pawtuckaway.. Thanks Eatons!
Brielle and Uncle Dale are looking at Nick trying to tie knots to go fly fishing! Drew enjoying the water! Mr. Eaton, Nick and Dale heading out to catch some fish...
Drew was all excited... they had blueberries too!
Brielle is not so sure of this!
Daddy's girl!
Mrs. Eaton :)

Family fun.. lets climb on Dale!

Family picture.. can't get enough of these!
Loves the water
An attempt to get a picture of the Birthday Girl!