July 30, 2009

Hanging out with her cousins

How cute!
Kevin LOVES his Brielle!! He calls himself "Uncle Kevin"

Watching Auntie Melissa weed the yard...
Ryan having fun in the water
Loves it outside...

Cape Cod Winery

Nick, Mom and I took Brielle for a nice wine tasting....yes we spent a lot of $ after!! YUM!

July 29, 2009

Cape Cod Bike Path

I didn't even crash when I took this one!!
Or this one.... Smiling away!

July 27, 2009

Last time...

For the bumpers and wedge~

July 26, 2009

The temp is rising!

Taking a nap.. she loves to be on her tummy these days...
And on our king bed!Big blues Watching her Dad put together a new toy for her..
Hanging out...trying to stay cool!

July 25, 2009


It was a hot one... unlike the fall days we have been having...

July 24, 2009

The Jumper~

Brielle's first time in her jumper.. she was kind of getting the hang of it...and best of all.. she liked it! Her butterfly wings...

July 21, 2009

New outfits!!

Nick and Dale are excited they can go fly fishing and stay dry!

Full belly!

Relaxing with her Dad!

July 20, 2009

Barnstable County Fair

We took Brielle to her first fair today...we were able to see lots of animals..

There was a bear show
Birds of prey

I turned around and here they all are looking at a map... like it was a huge place or something! :)


Papa's hand with Brielle's